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WAŻNE: prośba ogromna o zakładanie nowych wątków, gdy pojawia się nowe zagadnienie. Aktualnie ciągną się pojedyncze tematy (“Kilka pytań nowicjusza”), które zaczęły się od uruchomienia falownika, a przeszły [wcale nie płynnie] do gwarancji i pomp ciepła. Jak Ci, którzy przyjdą po nas, mają się w tym odnaleźć???. Pytania nie związane z tematem danego wątku będą usuwane przez Administratora!


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Aktualizacja dla falowników fro34310.upd

/ State code 443 fixed false tripping.
/ Optimization of reference power level CEI-021.
/ Fixed nuisance trippings of state codes 301, 308, 317, and 479.

Setup changes
/ New parameters middle voltage limit for setups: BRA2, BRA3, BRA5, BRA6.
/ Adapt GVDPR for setups IT6, IT6B, IT7, IT7B.
/ Adapt device parameter GFDPR start frequency underfrequency.
/ Setup AUC - ReAcPoMo Characteristics Q to U10 now correctly set to 100% .

Fronius Symo 10.0-3-M - 20.0-3-M
Bundle fro34310

Component Version
Power stage set
Filter PC board
Key Controller
Control unit
Country Setups

/ New FRT feature selection not possible for detection mode or sudden voltage change.
/ State code 443 fixed false tripping.
/ Optimization of reference power level CEI-021.
/ Fixed problem MPP2 tracker DC voltage remains on open circuit voltage.
/ Fixed nuisance trippings of state codes 301, 308, 317, and 479.

Setup changes
/ New parameters middle voltage limit for setups: BRA2, BRA3, BRA5, BRA6.
/ Adapt GVDPR for setups IT6, IT6B, IT7, IT7B.
/ Adapt setup ZA2 (>100kVA) - FRT region 1 & 2 current calc mode ”passive”.
/ Adapt device parameter GFDPR start frequency underfrequency.
/ Setup AUC - ReAcPoMo Characteristics Q to U10 now correctly set to 100% .


Fronius Eco 25.0-3-S - 27.0-3-S
Bundle fro34310

Component Version
Power stage set
Filter PC board
Key Controller
Control unit
Country Setups

/ Minimum required MPP voltage was reduced.
/ New FRT feature selection not possible for detection mode or sudden voltage change.
/ State code 443 fixed false tripping.
/ Optimization of reference power level CEI-021.
/ Fixed nuisance trippings of state codes 301, 308, 317, and 479.

Setup changes
/ New parameters middle voltage limit for setups: BRA2, BRA3, BRA5, BRA6.
/ Adapt GVDPR for setups IT6, IT6B, IT7, IT7B.
/ Adapt setup ZA2 (>100kVA) - FRT region 1 & 2 current calc mode ”passive”.
/ Adapt device parameter GFDPR start frequency underfrequency.
/ Setup AUC - ReAcPoMo Characteristics Q to U10 now correctly set to 100% .